Report on Implementation of Eu Free Trade Agreements 2020

The implementation of free trade agreements has been a critical issue for the European Union, as it seeks to establish mutually beneficial trade relationships with other countries. In 2020, the EU continued to work towards the implementation of free trade agreements with various trading partners, both at the regional and bilateral levels.

The EU has been pursuing a comprehensive approach to trade, focusing on issues such as tariffs, non-tariff barriers, investment, services, and intellectual property. The EU free trade agreements aim to create a level playing field for businesses, promote innovation, and strengthen economic integration.

One of the most significant developments in 2020 was the ratification of the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) in August. This agreement is the most comprehensive and ambitious trade agreement that the EU has signed with a developing country. It aims to eliminate 99% of all tariffs over the next ten years and create new opportunities for EU businesses in Vietnam. The agreement also includes provisions on sustainable development, labour rights, and environmental protection.

Another important development in 2020 was the ongoing negotiations for the EU-Mercosur Free Trade Agreement. Mercosur is a trading bloc comprising Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay. The EU-Mercosur agreement is expected to create a market of around 780 million people and eliminate tariffs on 92% of traded goods. However, the negotiations have faced criticism from some EU member states and civil society groups, particularly concerning environmental concerns and the impact on small farmers.

The EU also continued to work towards the implementation of existing free trade agreements, such as the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA), which entered into force in February 2019. The agreement aims to eliminate 99% of tariffs on goods traded between the EU and Japan and to create new opportunities for European businesses in Japan.

In conclusion, the EU`s implementation of free trade agreements in 2020 was marked by progress in some areas, such as the ratification of the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement, and ongoing negotiations for the EU-Mercosur Free Trade Agreement. However, challenges, such as environmental concerns and the impact on small farmers, remain. The EU`s comprehensive approach to trade, focused on issues such as tariffs, non-tariff barriers, investment, services, and intellectual property, will continue to play a critical role in promoting mutually beneficial trade relationships.

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